Shayne Livvix

Land Specialist | IL
Shayne was born and raised in Clark County, IL and resides in Casey, IL with his wife, Lisa. They are blessed to live near their 2 sons, 1 daughter, and 4 grandchildren.
Shayne was introduced to the outdoors at a very young age with both grandfathers being avid outdoorsmen. They would drag him around the woods while they ran trap lines, hunted small game, deer and cut firewood. In his youth, Shayne was a sponge learning everything he could about the woods and the critters that lived in it from every elder he could get the chance to speak with; this is where Shayne started to hone his woodsman-ship skills.
Shayne was a business owner in the oil and gas industry for over 20 years. He stepped away in 2023 and has been focusing on land consulting for trophy whitetail hunting properties in his area of Illinois. He manages over 20,000 acres on 31 different farms in central Illinois focused on quality deer and turkey hunting, and prides himself in providing clients with the best possible opportunity at their buck of a lifetime.
Over the past 40 years, Shayne has developed his skills as a trophy whitetail deer hunter. He started with small game and moved towards whitetail deer in his teens. After he harvested his first true giant buck in his early 20’s it changed his life…whitetail deer became his only hunting focus, and a daily passion. That is when he gave up all other hunting and fishing activities and dedicated all his free time to finding individual trophy deer and developing a plan to hunt them.
There is nothing Shayne enjoys more than helping other people find their land’s potential and developing a plan for them to hunt and enjoy their farms. His passion to help others find and develop that perfect property is why he transitioned to the real estate industry. He prides himself on his hard work and dedication to customers and clients, providing them with the honesty, care, and integrity they deserve.
“I am excited for the opportunity to continue my career in the outdoors here at Premier Farm Realty Group & Auction. I look forward to helping buyers and sellers achieve their property goals.